Becoming an Employer

Deciding to become an employer is a significant milestone for any business. It marks a phase of growth and the need for additional support.

In this guide, we will explain what becoming an employer entails, the steps required, the key considerations, and the changes that come with this decision. We’ll also consider the pros and cons to help you make an informed choice.

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Recruitment – Should you hire or outsource accounting?

Running a successful business entails astute financial management, and at the core of this is the crucial decision of how to handle your accounting needs.

Should you bring a full-time, in-house accountant into the fold, or does the more flexible route of outsourcing better suit your business objectives?

In this in-depth exploration, we’ll dissect the pros and cons of each option, providing you with comprehensive insights to empower you in making an informed decision aligned with the unique goals of your business.

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As an employer, there are many ways you can reward and incentivise your staff, from Christmas parties to team lunches. But one of the most attractive options is an employee share scheme.


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Hiring an employee for the first time is an exciting moment for any business owner. Suddenly, you’ve got another pair of hands to help out with jobs that used to fall entirely on you – and with that extra support, new opportunities for growth are possible.

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The Pros and Cons of a Company Electric Car

Despite the potentially high personal tax charge, many employees still enjoy and prefer the convenience of being
offered the use of a company car by their employer.

Those employers familiar with the benefit-in-kind tax rules will
be aware the tax impact on the employee is much lower for those that choose lower emission cars.

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Types of Employment Relationship

The determination of an individual’s employment status is not always straightforward and there is no single definition. Employment tribunals and HMRC may consider different factors in deciding the issue. This topic explores the distinctions in statute and common law between an employee (who works under a contract of employment), a worker and an independent contractor. This topic examines each of these in turn, including the tests established by common law to determine employment status. It also considers the atypical types of contract that have grown in popularity in recent years, notably part-time and fixed-term contracts, zero-hours contracts, zero-hours contracts, apprentices and individuals employed by employment agencies.

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